Issue #17: Time x Distance x Dice
This is the last page for this session, we're probably going to take a bit before coming back with more. Hopefully, it won't be too long...
Fun fact, the Cosmic Cube was the MacGuffin that Red Skull was originally after in the Marvel Comics but they changed it to being an Infinity Stone for the movies to tie in with the other films better.
Steven: You know Michelle… Ugh, everything is in character, fine… You'll never get away with it, fiend! Put the, what’d you call it again, uh… the Tresseract back?!
Michelle: "What good does it do sitting here, hidden away, for the last thousand years?! This device was once the jewel in Odin's treasure room! And now, what? It stays in this rotting synagogue guarded by a single priest?"
Steven: I tackle him.
Michelle: You… Wait, really?
Steven: Yeah, I’m into it now. You’re a, *AHEM* “great” Game Master, Michelle.
Michelle: Aww. Thanks. That really means a lot, Steven. The Nazi officer takes out his gun and shoots you.
Michelle: You fall to the ground, bleeding to death.
Steven: Wait! You didn't roll! Don't I get to dodge?!
Michelle: No. This was already determined by the last roll. Because this die meant that the officer was in a bad mood after you lied to him about where the Cosmic Cube-
Steven: Oh, is that the new name of the MacGuffin? I think Cube of Destruction was better… or Tesseract…
Michelle: -and these two dice showed that you were too weak and in pain to do much after the soldiers knocked you down earlier. And this showed that Schmidt-
Steven: As Schmidt-y a person as his name…
Michelle: Ugh, I’m not going to explain it since you aren’t listening anyway. Schmidt watches your final moments. The last thing you see before you die is your blood splattering across the pin on Schmidt’s jacket. An image of a red sku-
Steven: Wait, I died?
Steven: Well, way to railroad my character into oblivion… again!
Michelle: What?! I didn’t! Everything was decided totally randomly!
Steven: Yeah, but with a system nobody but crazy girls like you could understand-
Michelle: The hell?! But I-
Steven: And I felt like a level-zero character up against the equivalent of an ancient red dragon right away. I mean-
Michelle: But I-
Steven: And you can’t run game-time in real-time you just can’t, and-