Issue #37: A Duffel of an Idea



Steven: Well, thanks again Lee, er, I mean, um, what was your character’s name again?

Lee: Bucky Barnes.

Derek: Like alliteration, do we?

Lee: Huh?


Derek: Nothing. Don’t worry about it. I’m going to upload my character sheet now, Mish.

Michelle: Oh sure, go ahead.


Lee: “Well, buddy, now that we're both in the army - let's go kick Hitler's ass!”

Steven: I think you misheard me, Lee. I was rejected.


Lee: Oh, damn. I kinda only put that I was in the army in my backstory because I overheard you talking about it while I was writing my stuff and I figured we could join together, y'know?

Steven:  Well, it’s definitely “too bad” I got rejected then.


Lee: Yeah, that sucks, right?! Hey! It says on your sheet you're really short, maybe I can hide you in my duffel bag?